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Stomach Cancer

Liver Cancer Treatment

Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a type of cancer that begins in the stomach. The stomach is located just below the ribs in the upper middle of the abdomen., just below the ribs. The stomach aids in the breakdown and digestion of food.

Stomach cancer can occur anywhere in the stomach. The majority of stomach cancers in the world occur in the main part of the stomach.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of stomach cancer:
  • Losing weight without making an effort
  • Indigestion
  • Having difficulty swallowing
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Having a bloated feeling after eating
  • Losing weight without making an effort
  • Feeling of fullness even after having small amounts of food
  • Feeling of Tiredness always.
  • Not feeling hungry when you should be hungry
  • Stools that appear to be black
  • Heartburn

Stomach Cancer Treatment

In its early stages, stomach cancer does not always cause symptoms. When they occur, symptoms may include indigestion and pain in the upper abdomen. Symptoms may not appear until the cancer has spread. Later stages of stomach cancer may cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss without effort, vomiting blood, and black stools.

It may cause fluid to accumulate in the stomach. The stomach may appear swollen.

Stomach cancer types:

The type of stomach cancer you have is determined by the type of cell that started the cancer. The following are some examples of stomach cancer types:


Stromal tumours of the intestine (GIST)

Tumors that are carcinoid


Risk Elements

The risk of stomach cancer is increased by the following factors:
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease refers to persistent problems with stomach acid backing up into the oesophagus.
  • A diet high in smoked and salted foods
  • A diet deficient in fruits and vegetables
  • Infection of the stomach caused by Helicobacter pylori.
  • Gastritis is the swelling and irritation of the inside of the stomach.
  • Polyps are noncancerous cell growths in the stomach caused by smoking.
  • Family history of stomach cancer and other cancers, such as hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, Lynch syndrome, juvenile polyposis syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis


You can reduce your risk of stomach cancer by doing the following:

Consume an abundance of fruits and vegetables

Reduce your intake of salty and smoked foods

Quit smoking. Quit smoking if you smoke

Inform your doctor if stomach cancer runs in your family

Diagnosis For Stomach Cancer


Obtaining a tissue sample for testing

Identifying the Stage of Gastric Cancer

Blood tests are performed

Ultrasound of the stomach

An ultrasound

Imaging examinations
